The mind is a myth!

This mind upon which we depend does not represent a true picture of reality. Our mind is constantly shifting from past to future but we hardly stay in the present moment for more than a few seconds.

However the present moment is the true reality. When we stop our thoughts and stay focused on the present – the here and now, we are really focused on reality.

It isn’t easy to keep our mind in the present, because we are dragged by outside forces and influences and this reflecting mind becomes disturbed. That’s how we get stressed and anxious because it seems we can’t control our mind. It is constantly trying to control us!

…so what should we do?

One solution is meditation. When we meditate in the true sense of the word, we are going beyond our thoughts and senses to a state of peace and calm. Our thoughts are more controlled. If we just let ourselves relax and enjoy this state of being in the present, it has a very profound effect on our well-being and mental health.

So which type of meditation is best?

There are many ideas and theories on meditation and yoga. So what is meditation and what is yoga?

Yoga and meditation have been around for thousands of years. Traditionally meditation is the vehicle to achieving the state of yoga, i.e. connection with the all pervading universal power.

Yoga means ”union” with your spirit, or you can say, your higher self. However you cannot achieve yoga unless you achieve ”thoughtless awareness” (nirvichar samadhi in Sanskrit).

How can you reach this state of thoughtless awareness and ultimately yoga?

The first step is to ask for your self realization or kundalini awakening.

Hang on! – What is kundalini awakening?

Let’s back track a little here and explain a bit more about these terms. The kundalini is a dormant power which lies in the sacrum bone at the base of the spine. She is a feminine, nurturing residual energy and is a reflection of the all pervading universal power which exists in the whole cosmos.

When she gets awakened (by your own pure desire), she rises up through the spinal cord in a spiral way and breaks through the top of the head at the fontanelle bone area and gets connected to this all pervading universal power (paramchaitanya).

This awakening of the kundalini is known as ”self-realization” and when it breaks through the top of the head, its known as yoga.

So what happens after you get your self-realization?

After the kundalini breaks through the fontanelle bone at the top of the head, you reach the state of thoughtless awareness where there is no thought, but you are alert, aware and can see everything with increased clarity.

If you want to think, you can but you just enjoy being thoughtless for the first time in your life and not being bombarded by meaningless thoughts.

This is step number one. So what happens now?

Well any time you want to go into meditation, you just take your attention to the top of your head and enter into that thoughtless state.

You can feel the kundalini as a cool breeze coming out of the top of your head and also on your hands. This cool breeze is the vibrations and you will develop a sensitivity in your hands and be able to determine good vibrations and bad vibrations.

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